Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Star Wars Exhibit

First and Foremost, I have been a terrible blogger! I have been so busy, and I am always thinking, "nobody really cares to read about whats going on with you!" I am going to try to back up and do a few posts to catch up!

About a month ago, a friend and I took Caden and her son to the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center for a Star Wars exhibit. I have never in my life had an interest in Star Wars and know NOTHING about it. However, my sweet Caden has fallen in love with it this year. So much that he wanted it to be the theme of his seventh birthday party. I usually try to stay away from the character themes, but I couldn't say no! I am hoping that it turns out as good as I've wanted. We haven't gone "all out" this year being that I am "JOBLESS"! As long as he has his friends and family he will have a blast! I will definately post about it after this weekend!

Back to the exhibit, Amy mentioned it to me at the beginning of school and I couldn't pass it up. I knew he would so excited! We did go on a weekday, but we had it excused from school as an "educational trip"! This exhibit had all of the props from the real Star Wars movies! Each prop had a speaker to tell you all about it, however, the boys were too excited and ran from one thing to the next! If you are my friend on FB then you might have already seen pictures from our big day. Here are a few of them...

The Millennium Falcon

Caden with Darth Vader Suit


He bought these there!

Worn Out!!

I figured that this trip would be a great gift to Caden because it is something he will always remember! I apologize for all of the glares, we couldnt use a flash in the exhibit!

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