Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Halloween 2012

This post is def a little behind but, oh well! The day before Halloween, our town had a "candy walk" downtown. All of the businesses set up tables outside and we just walked through and visited each booth. They also asked that each person bring a canned food item for a food drive. (I would be the Mama that left the food on the counter on my way out of the house. Thank goodness for plenty more opportunities coming up to donate food! I sent a bag full to school with Caden the next week, along with a coat for a coat drive. A coat that is still in his book bag this week, because he didnt know what to do with it! Ha! ) The candy walk put me in the mood for more festivities, but we had a lot of things to go home and prepare for the next day!

With my ninja

A couple of the cute tables that were giving out candy

Halloween day, Caden's class had a party and had a lot of fun eating snacks, playing games, and sharing goodie bags! I hope he gets at least one more year of this fun!! I dont want him to ever get too big for the class parties! Ha!

super cute cookies made by another mom

Skeleton treats that I made!

Cupcakes that I made

Some of his class friends

Caden asked me to dress up and this is always my easy "go to"
ninja in the Dr office
After school, Caden had his first appt at his new dr. office. It was time for his 2nd hep a shot. I felt so bad for him! The dr. told him to think about something that made him happy while he was getting his shot, so he looked at a pic of Palyn the whole time. It was so sweet, until it was over and the stinging set in. Bless him, my tough boy was in pain. But those sonic .50 helped a little bit once we got home!
Shane had to work that evening so Caden and I were on our own. We parked at our friends' house that we have Connect Group at, and I walked him around the neighborhood. This neighborhood that we were in was apparently "the neighborhood to go trick or treating". The ones that get so involved and crowded! It was fun though! I was thankful for this time with Caden, because other years, we have only gone to church festivals and such. Never have we been out house to house! We stopped by a church after trick or treating, for a few games and a hay ride. I loved the different themes that some of the trunks had!

Moses and Noah

Check out the cornhole boards!
I wish someone could make these for us!!
After the festival, we walked our way back to our friends' house, where we were going to join our Connect Group in passing out candy along with Centerpoint cards. We had about 5 of us passing out and we were so overwhelmed at times! Those kids came up in herds! After we ran out, we all ended the night with my taco soup inside. We had a great Halloween in our new town, and made many new memories!

Here is the story behind Caden's costume confusion: (I know a lot of people will think I am crazy and a prude for thinking this way, insert your eye roll here, its ok!) Caden plays a game on my phone called, Plants vs. Zombies. It is a farming game. It is not gory or violent, just planting crops. Well Shane bought him a Zombie costume and Caden loved it. I did not. In fact, if Shane had not been a part of this, I would have turned it down completely. I do not think there is anything wrong with celebrating Halloween, but we dont celebrate it in a dark manner. We take part in positive activities and stay away from the darkness of it. We would all love to think people wouldnt do the things in real life that they pretend to do on Halloween, but we are hearing stories everyday about new ways of killing. I am not judging anyone elses family for the activities they take part in, just speaking for myself.  So Caden wore the ninja costume that he was given as a bday present. He didnt even complain about it. He was able to add his sword and nunchucks and didnt have screaming 3 year olds running from him all night.

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