Monday, May 17, 2010

Sweet Summertime what we got a taste of this weekend! Friday night, we had Bunko at Jala's house. I did not win anything, but half the time I forget that it's even possible to win anything! We have so much fun and I am still so excited that we are able to play again!
Some of our members were unable to make it, and they were greatly missed!
My blogging buddy, Jenn Green and I!

Saturday and Sunday, we spent the day at a friend's house with a ton of other kids!! I just lovin being around kids! I am the mom that always wants the other kids at her house! (that doesn't mean I don't need a break too though!)
Getting into the billion water balloons that
I spent so long filling up here!!
Just a few!!...I didnt mean to cut off her head!!

I have to leave you with a picture of the Best Man!!

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