Monday, March 28, 2011

Wigging Out

This past Friday night was Bunko night for the month of March. The theme was "Wigging Out" and we all most wore wigs! They did get very itchy and uncomfortable before the end of the night, therefore we didn't get very many pics. It was at Ashly's house and we had rotel, homemade pizza bagels, oreo/cake balls, and prezel sticks. It was as always a fun night! Once again, I didn't win anything, but that is the last reason I love Bunkos anyways! At the end of the night we had to have a "Bunk off", which is where we have more than one person with the highest number of bunkos. Keisha took home the big money, but then we also had a "float off", where there is more than one person with the highest number of floaters. It was getting very intense and Brooke, who always rolls in some sort of unique fashion, put the dice in her mouth. (She knows it always gags me when she does this!) She spit out the dice, and they all three landed on four, which was a bunko, and she automatically won the round!! So crazy! What were the chances of that?!!! We missed Julie and Jala this time! Can't wait until next month!
Emmie and I, she had a beehive,
and I was just kinda nappy!

Keisha AKA, Foxy Brown!

Jenn G walked in the door and hers looked so real that I freaked out for a minute thinking she colored and cut her hair! (NOT MY BEER BTW!)

Jenn V. she definately looked the most real and the best looking, but she for sure needs to keep her cute  original hair!

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