Monday, February 20, 2012

5 things I love Monday

This wasn't actually a linky party, but I felt like linking up anyways!! I had a lot of random things that I am loving right now, so why not share them?!

I am loving my little alone time with Mary Charles!
About once a week I steal her from her mommy. It gives her time to get things done and gives me extra loving time! This sweet girl will be celebrating her first birthday this week!!

I am loving that my big boy has 20/20  vision!
He had a vision and hearing screening on Friday and everything came back perfect.
Now if we can get by without braces, this will be one lucky pocketbook!

I am loving that I am so close to wearing the red jacket with Mary Kay!
I am also loving that one of my best friends signed up with me last week! Julie and I are going to have so much fun!

I am loving my man's new scruffiness! I made a comment a while back that I love that look. To be exact, Emmie and I were talking about Kyle Stanley (golfer). Whew!

And lastly, I am loving that Shane bought me Caden froot loops with marshmellows yesterday. This cereal is the way to my heart, for sure!

What are you loving on this Monday?

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