Friday, February 10, 2012

Busy Busy...

We have been so busy the past two weeks! I can hardly wait for this weekend to be a little lazy! Shane is working and aside from a Vday dinner and church, I think Caden and I will be spending it in jammies. I know, you must be envious! I wanted to share a little about what has been keeping us so busy.

Tata and Palyn made there trip here last Monday.
They were both able to meet and love on sweet baby Coleman.
I love this picture of the three of them!

Palyn usually stays right around Caden, even if he is on his game.

She is sooooo into dressing up right now! She repeats "Im a princess!" We are all in trouble! Caden loved dressing up when he was little too! He actually still does some. When he was 3-7 it was a different superhero everyday, batman, spiderman, captian america, power ranger, superman. It recently turned into Darth Vader and light sabers. I am not exaggerating. We would always get them on clearence after Halloween. We do the same for her. She loves it just as much! What a great imaginantion those two have!

I am so into my Mary Kay now!! It took me a good year to get warmed up, but I am now on fire!! I am in love with this company! We get prizes all of the time! I just got this purse last week! I have also gotten earrings and a necklace without even trying hard! I cant wait to see what is next now that I have started putting forth effort!! This month, anyone that listens to the Mary Kay opportunity, 20-30 mins, get their name put in a drawing for a free Coach bag. You also get a free lipgloss! Wouldn't you like to listen for a chance?

I went shopping a little last Friday night at Belk and got these adorable rain boots along with some brown wedge boots. Sale, yes. I have always wanted rain boots, but didnt want ones that looked like everyone else's. I loved these pretty preppy ones, and they have about every color on them, so you couldn't go wrong! I was excited that it would be raining the next day, so I wore them. Yeah, it didn't rain until late that night! Ha! Oh well, they were fun!

On Saturday, I attended a women's conference at a local church. The theme was Beauty from Ashes, and it was very good and beautifully put together. I enjoyed the speakers, the decor, and the food. You ladies did a fantastic job putting this together! Your hard work was noticed and appreciated!!

On Sunday, we went to the new church that we have been attending and I am LOVING it!! The messages are so easy and good, and the worship is great too! I still miss my home church FBC Oak Grove, although they are very different. I cant wait to see what God has in store for our new family at Centerpoint. After church, Shane, Caden, Emmie, and I attended a small Bridal show in Montgomery. I have to find a caterer, and wanted to use someone local to avoid travel fees. I didn't have much luck, so I am working out a few things right now to hopefully have one soon.

Emmie and I, her instagram photo
Can I please have an iPhone just for Instagram and Red Stamp?

Caden and I have been taking a 10 min walk around the complex in the mornings before school. I read that it is supposed to help the kids focus at school that day. He was excited to see dandilions out one morning. Cutie Pie! When he came home from school this day, I had to take a step back and look at him. I swear it seemed as if he had grown a foot at school that day. Wow, he is so tall! We also had a breakdown one afternoon because of a new rule that was put into place this week. "No DS on school days, only on the weekend" Love Always, Mama. You would seriously think he was dying. That is what I am hoping to break a little by this rule, his obsession.

I spent time one afternoon helping Caden put together these Vday treats for his class. There were so many cute ideas floating around pinterest, but this one seemed the easiest, most affordable, and most age appropriate for him. You can find my pin here.

My church, FBCOG, asked me a few weeks ago if they could come over to the complex and have a craft, snack, and story with the kids every Tuesday afternoon. I, of course, thought this was a great thing to do, and am thankful for a loving, serving church family.

And today is my beautiful Mama's birthday! We sent her this picture this morning to wake up to on her special day!! We love you!!

Hope my past two weeks weren't too boring for you to sit through! I like to document the little events of our everyday lives as well! Have a great weekend!

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