Saturday, December 10, 2011

Jingle All the Way

If you dont remember Jingle from last year, I may need to give you a recap. Which means, this will probably be a long post! Jingle is the name of our Elf on the Shelf. I wasnt sure how many years I would get out of him since Caden was 7 when he first came to visit us. But this year, Caden believes no less than any other year!

Jingle 2010

In Caden's Stocking

Watching Cmas movies with popcorn and buddies

Spelled out his name in cereal

Reading Caden's devotion

in legos

in Santa Boots

Driving my car and parked it crooked

message on bathroom mirror

And this is what he has been up to so far this year.....

Jingle 2011

He always arrives on the tree

So happy to see him!

on table

Marshmallow snoball fight

Eating candy

Eating pizza (Caden's last piece!)

Drinking syrup

bundled up on a cold morning

Being interrogated by Star wars characters

Eating a cupcake
(he eats a lot this year!)

took a ride on the dirt bike

Napping with Caden

Brought the note below 

And that's his note to Santa!

Hope you enjoyed our Jingle filled post! Maybe it'll give you some ideas for your little elves!! I am always looking for new ones! Just no time to clean up huge messes!!

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