Sunday, December 11, 2011

Karlee Ryan

Karlee Ryan, how have you grown up so fast in the short year and a half that Ive been around you? You have the best personality! I love that you are always happy and can brighten up anyone's day! We can only hope that Hagan Jane will continue to be as happy and bright as you are! I am so glad that we were able to celebrate turning 8 years old with you last week! Your brother picked out a silly cake for you, and you laughed so hard when you saw it! We love you Karlee!- Brittany & Caden

You are beautiful!

Such a happy girl!

With your silly Grinch cake!

It was from Edgar's and so good!!

With your closest friends!

Just last week, we celebrated your Mama's big day! Since she refuses to take pictures, we have to settle for a pic of these yummy Edgar's cupckes that we had!!

I had to take a trip back to last spring when we first began to hang out a lot, look how little you were!!

You and Caden!
We will have this along with many more pictures at yall's wedding one day!!
hahah kidding!!

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